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Content Library


Our digital content library consists of the following artifacts that have been curated specifically for the health condition we wish to address.


Yoga Asans (postures and movements): 25+ videos


Pranayama (yogi breathing techniques): 7+ videos


Meditation: 25+ audios


Music: 75+ tracks grouped into 4 music channels: Anxiety, Depression, Sleep, General Wellness. Each channel will have tracks to last a 3-hour musical experience. Our music falls into 3 different genres that we feel have healing effects on the listeners: Instrumental, A Capella / Aalaaps (vocal renditions of notes with some musical accompaniments), Indian raaga based mantras/songs. 


Recipes: 50+ vegetarian and vegan recipes. Many of these recipes are written from an Ayurvedic point of view, with health benefits and guidelines for different body types.


This is just the beginning of our journey with you. We will continue to add more items the library as we identify more content specific to our vision. We welcome suggestions from our members to curate more content specific to your needs.


When you purchased one of our coaching plans, our content library will be customized to you based on your goals and the outcomes of the two health assessments we offer you. For example, if you were to purchase a coaching plan to address sleep problems, your content library will contain a subset of the items mentioned above that will help improve your sleep patterns.





Content Creators


Every one of the content creators who have contributed to our content library have decades of experience in their field.


Yogi Arvind, founder of Sattva Life and a spiritual/wellness coach for more than a decade, contributed the pranayama videos and meditation audios.


Dr. Seeta Narsai, a Los Angeles based Ayurveda practitioner for more than a decade, along with Yogi Arvind designed our health assessments.


Jeanne Heileman, a Los Angeles based yoga teacher with more than 2 decades of teaching experience contributed the asana videos.


Dr. Sarath, an Ayurvedic practitioner and professor from Kerala, India contributed to our recipe library


Meredith Klein, a Los Angeles based Ayurvedic and vegan chef contributed to our recipe library


Our music was composed by seasoned musicians/producers in the world music and sacred music genre: Jai Uttal, Kamini Natarajan, Ricky Kej, David Vito Gregoli, Aditya Prakash. Some of the music in our library, particularly Alaaps, were custom made for Sattva Life by accomplished classical musicians from India and USA. 




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