Why SattvaLife ?

SattvaLife offers 'Custom-Digital-Wellness-Coaching'. This statement not only summarizes what we do, but also why you should enroll in our programs.
Our wellness coaching programs are customized for each individual. Yoga philosophy extensively speaks about the qualities of a person (gunas), about the nature of their mind and body, and how we can identify and regulate one's state of mind and body. Similarly, Ayurveda extensively speaks about how we can identify the constitution of a person (doshas), their ability to digest and absorb different types of food and herbs, and how the same can be used to regulate one's body and mind. These insights about our members will be utilized to curate a custom wellness plan that offers them most benefits. Our 'Health Assessment Questionnaire' as well as our 'Initial Assessment Meeting' with a member are designed to evaluate a member in depth to the extent possible. Our global network of coaches understands local customs, food habits, availability of food and herbs in different seasons, in different geographies, all of which help us understand the circumstances of a member better and create a wellness plan that is unique to them.
Our online digital coaching business model enables us to reach members across the world. One can utilize our coaching services and content from anywhere in the world, on multiple devices such as desktop computers, smart phones and tablets.
Wellness is much broader and holistic than traditional healthcare models in the West. For many centuries healthcare in Western societies has meant curing a disease and over time it came to be understood as sick-care. On the contrary, Eastern societies emphasized preventive practices in addition to sick-care. A healthcare model that emphasizes both prevention and cure improves quality of life and also reduces the cost of health care. Allopathic medicinal systems in the West also tend to focus on curing a health problem within the context of a particular body system, they focus on curing one part of the whole. The linkages and inter dependencies of different body systems is ignored, particularly those between the body and mind. On the contrary, Eastern medicinal system such as Ayurveda take a holistic approach. Yoga philosophy talks about balancing three types of bodies: Sthūla Sharīra (Physical body), Sūkshma Sharīra (Mental/Emotional body), and Kārana Sharīra (Causal/soul body). Complete wellness can be achieved only when these three bodies are in an optimal balance. Our wellness programs are designed with the intent to achieve this optimal balance in the mind, body and soul, using preventative and maintenance techniques from modalities such as Yoga, Ayurveda, and sound healing.
It is no secret that there are more than 100,000 health related Apps in the worldwide App marketplace. While engaging content on these Apps has motivated many people to take more interest in their health, it has also been observed that the initial interests in these apps tapers down soon. People struggle to sustain the health benefits gained in the initial few weeks. This however changes when a coach is involved. Behavioral science has shown us time and again that people make noticeable changes in their behavior and lifestyles when they have a coach, or a mentor, who can guide them along the way, and who can keep them accountable. This is why the primary focus of SattvaLife is wellness coaching. We want to bring a noticeable change in one's wellness.