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Yogi Arvind

Software Product Manager, Spiritual & Health Advisor, Entrepreneur

  • 20+ years in healthcare technology (Product management, Project Management, Systems Analysis, Consulting)
  • 10+ years in Spiritual & Wellness coaching.


  • Master of Public Health (UCLA, Los Angeles)

  • Master of Business Administration (University of Hull, UK)

  • Bachelor of Engineering (Osmania University)

  • MIT Certificate - Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning 

  • Stanford University Certificate - Genetics & Genomics

  • Cancer Registry Management (AHIMA)

  • Certificates in Ayurvedic Nutrition & Herbology (Kerala Ayurveda Academy, India)

A Bit About Me

Technology Management professional with 25  years of experience across Product Management, Project Management, Business & Systems Analysis, Management Consulting, and Sales. Deep knowledge and experience in Business, Technology, and Healthcare / Life sciences domains.


I am also a spiritual: practitioner, teacher, entrepreneur, activist and filmmaker. Yoga is my spiritual path and my way of life, particularly Raja Yoga. I was first introduced to yoga at the age of 8. At about the same age, I also learned other Indian spiritual philosophies and Sanskrit. I spent most of my childhood and adolescent years in a boarding school in Hyderabad, India. This school emphasized spiritual growth at a young age . In my 20s I started I embracing a yogic lifestyle that integrates all the eight limbs of Raja Yoga. I have studied and practiced yogic/vedic philosophies from different schools/traditions:

  • Satyachetana International (India and US branches)

  • Self Realization Fellowship (India and US branches)

  • Various Mahayana Buddhist schools

  • Self study of Yoga, Shaivism, Samkhya, and Vedanta


I generally teach the non-asana aspects of Raja Yoga: Yama, Niyama, Pranayama, Meditation, Yoga Philosophy, Sanskrit and Chanting. I have been teaching since 2008.


I speaks on subjects such as: Yoga Beyond Asana, Meditation & Breathwork, Shaivism and Samkhya. I am passionate about using yogic principles to create a healthy, peaceful and harmonious life. I speak and advice people from different walks of life, about living a yogic lifestyle.


I have been a health/spiritual coach to many people since 2008.

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